


Who is Fat Unicorn?

Hello, I’m Matt your cheerful marketing and design enthusiast. You’ll likely never meet someone who gets as excited as I do about the intricacies of digital marketing.

I am a marketeer with an eye for engineering. Exceptionally adept at understanding how things work and will gladly dismantle an object just to rebuild it again. My analytical and strategic approach to problem solving forms a strong foundation for any marketing project, web build or systems integration. Your business is a complex machine made from many parts. I can help you make those parts work together seamlessly.

Marketing Strategy

So what’s the plan? Who is your target market, how can you reach them and what is the most efficient way to do so?

It’s easy to get carried away implementing unnecessary processes and platforms just because they’re flavour of the month, but what does your business actually need in order to function effectively?

A Marketing Strategy serves as a valuable reference point when planning your marketing output. Establish what makes your product unique, who your target market is and how you intend to reach them. With a Marketing Strategy in hand you’re in a stronger position to road map your marketing actions and goals.

Having a versatile skill set and experience in creative, technical and analytical aspects of digital marketing has provided Fatunicorn with a unique, rounded insight into what businesses can do to optimise their output. We can help you establish the basic foundations of your Marketing Strategy and formulate an action plan that is compatible with your available resources.

Digital Marketing

We’ve been working in the email marketing sector for years. We are specialists in sports and fashion email campaigning, a highly competitive market, where tone of voice, eye-catching templates and engaging subject lines are worth their weight in gold.

We can handle everything from helping you plan an automated email marketing strategy to designing and building your templates, plus ongoing campaign management and reporting. We can also advise you on effective data collection strategies that are compliant with current data protection regulations. Weekly newsletters, automated series and segmented targeted campaigns are just a few of the building blocks of successful email campaigning that really get us excited.

Put your email marketing in safe hands.

Website Design & Optimisation

Remember that restaurant with the excellent service that left your tastebuds tingling for more? That’s how you want your customers to feel when they visit your website. Give them a smooth web browsing experience that’s easy to navigate, aesthetically pleasing and communicates information efficiently and effectively.

I Need a Website

Getting established online does not have to be a trauma or lone battle. If you find yourself staring at a blank canvas wondering what on earth to do, we’re here to help you get the ball rolling.

We can be as involved as you want us to be, from formulating a plan of action to full project management and design.

Our experience spans multiple platforms, including Magento 1, Magento 2 and WordPress.

My Existing Website is Driving Me Nuts

Let’s imagine that your website is a TV set. We see ourselves as the cable tidy that will turn its cable spaghetti into a neatly wrapped bunch containing only the wires you need. Unusual analogy you might say, but it’s a great visual metaphor for our approach to optimising existing websites.

If your website is causing you heartache, don’t suffer in silence, get in touch and we will get you back onto the virtual path of contentment.

Tell us what you dislike and we’ll seek to find a solution that works for you, your business and your web users.

Copywriting & Editing

Putting pen to paper is easy. Communicating the message efficiently and effectively is wizardry. Save waving that wand around. Our linguistic skills are at the ready to translate your ideas into quality blurb that stays true to your brand voice and communicates your message clearly with the user.

Web Systems Management

Let us manage the integrations between your website, your back office systems, your marketing channels, your booking systems and your warehouses. If you can think of an integration we have probably done it. 

Unicorn hall of fame